Ортопедичен матрак ASTREA ORTHO Матраци ТЕД
Astrea Ortho is orthopedic mattress, which combines innovative technologies and quality materials, with greater density and additional reinforcement to achieve optimal orthopedic support and sleeping comfort, for people with greater weight.
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Anatomical pillow ESSENCE S Essence Sleep®

30.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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30.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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AIR KING Dream On® Pillow

95.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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95.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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AIR QUEEN Dream On® Pillow

79.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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79.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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76.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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76.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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Winter down duvet MYO | Dorelan®

from 258.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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from 258.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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CLASSICO WAVE Pillow | Magniflex

165.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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165.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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Winter down comforter GEO | Dorelan®

from 422.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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from 422.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 1000 Tempur
from 1,129.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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from 1,129.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 4000 Tempur
from 3,520.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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from 3,520.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка BLACK CHARM MATIC РосМари
from 1,142.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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from 1,142.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
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"MATTRESS CENTER" has many years of experience in the market and offers high-quality mattresses and beds. Our mission is to provide a comfortable and healthy sleep tailored to your needs and preferences.
- expert consultation
- Top quality
- many years of experience

Ортопедичен матрак ASTREA ORTHO Матраци ТЕД
Astrea Ortho is orthopedic mattress, which combines innovative technologies and quality materials, with greater density and additional reinforcement to achieve optimal orthopedic support and sleeping comfort, for people with greater weight.
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Can't find your size? Contact us to place an order.
Warranty: 8 years
Height: 23 cm
Hardness: hard
Core: pocket springs, high-elastic foam
Manufacturing: Bulgaria

Brand: Ted mattresses
Standard leasing or with 0% interest from a bank of your choice

Contact us for a quantity quote and receive a discount.
You receive free shipping for products over 250 BGN
You can return a purchased product within 14 days - easy and convenient
Astrea Ortho е ортопедичен матрак, който комбинира иновативни технологии и качествени материали, с по-голяма плътност и допълнително подсилване, за да се постигне оптимална ортопедична поддръжка и удобство при спане, дори при хора с по-голямо тегло.
Медицинско изделие с регистрация BG/CA01/MD0019/22.07.2019 Astrea Ortho е ортопедичен матрак, който комбинира иновативни технологии и качествени материали, с по-голяма плътност и допълнително подсилване, за да се постигне оптимална ортопедична поддръжка и удобство при спане, дори при хора с по-голямо тегло. Липсата на ефективна опора обикновено е причина хората да се събуждат с болки във врата, гърба и кръста, тъй като тялото „потъва“, вместо да остава в балансирана позиция.
Матракът Astrea Ortho разполага с ортопедична система от индивидуално пакетирани покет пружинки с по-голям диаметър на телта.Прецизна опора и комфорт, благодарение на множеството независими опорни точки, които се адаптират адекватно спрямо оказания натиск. Стабилност и по-малко пружиниране при по-голям натиск и движение.Надеждност, благодарение на подсилената пружина, която е изключително издръжлива и не се деформира толкова лесно, в сравнение с други материали.Отлична циркулация на въздуха - не задържа влагата, която се отделя по време на сън. С плътна полиуретанова пяна за по-голямата дебелина и плътност, която в същото време позволява на тялото да заеме естествена позиция по време на сън. Матрак Astrea Ortho разполага със сваляем калъф, направен от висококачествен текстил с омекотяваща обработка,лесен за сваляне и изпиране (на 30 градуса).Матрак Astrea Ortho е модел с висока степен на ортопедичност, който оказва опора на цялото тяло, а не само на отделните части. Той осигурява естествена позиция, независимо от позата по време на сън, без напрежение в мускулите и ставите.
Описание на продукта:
- Подсилен пружинен пакет мулти-покет
- Екстра плътна полиуретанова пяна
- Изключително сигурна и стабилна поддръжка
- Единичен размер от този матрак издържа на 180 кг натоварване
- Ортопедична твърдост
- Сваляем калъф подходящ за машинно пране на 30 гр.
- Пълна гаранция 8 години
- Височина 23 +-1 см.
- Произведено в България
Adding a product to your cart
Anatomical pillow ESSENCE S Essence Sleep®

30.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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30.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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AIR KING Dream On® Pillow

95.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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95.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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AIR QUEEN Dream On® Pillow

79.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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79.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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76.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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76.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Winter down duvet MYO | Dorelan®

from 258.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 258.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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CLASSICO WAVE Pillow | Magniflex

165.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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165.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Winter down comforter GEO | Dorelan®

from 422.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 422.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 1000 Tempur
from 1,129.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 1,129.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 4000 Tempur
from 3,520.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 3,520.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка BLACK CHARM MATIC РосМари
from 1,142.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 1,142.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Anatomical pillow ESSENCE S Essence Sleep®

30.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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30.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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AIR KING Dream On® Pillow

95.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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95.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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AIR QUEEN Dream On® Pillow

79.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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79.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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76.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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76.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Winter down duvet MYO | Dorelan®

from 258.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 258.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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CLASSICO WAVE Pillow | Magniflex

165.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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165.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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Winter down comforter GEO | Dorelan®

from 422.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 422.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
- / on
Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 1000 Tempur
from 1,129.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 1,129.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
- / on
Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 4000 Tempur
from 3,520.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 3,520.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
- / on
Подматрачна рамка BLACK CHARM MATIC РосМари
from 1,142.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
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from 1,142.00 лв Отстъпки - 25%
- Unit price
- / on
"MATTRESS CENTER" has many years of experience in the market and offers high-quality mattresses and beds. Our mission is to provide a comfortable and healthy sleep tailored to your needs and preferences.
- expert consultation
- Top quality
- many years of experience
Contact us
Your details are safe and protected with us.
All products we offer come with a warranty ranging from 5 years to a lifetime warranty.
You receive free shipping when purchasing products worth over 250 BGN.
You can take advantage of an interest-free loan for products worth over 250 BGN.
"TED's mission is to contribute to a better life by enhancing the coziness and comfort in the most personal space of your home."

Our approach is comprehensive - from technology and the production process, through design, marketing, and customer service. With a focus on innovation and continuous improvement, we integrate new technologies and methods at all stages of our production. From the selection of materials to the final products, everything undergoes strict quality control that ensures durability and comfort for our customers.

About the Brand
"We are proud to be a favorite mattress brand, thanks to the comfort and quality of the products we offer. Our strategic partnerships and innovative mattress technologies, including Spring, Foam, and Hybrid technology, have allowed us to cater to a wide range of customer needs. The TED brand is not just about mattresses, top mattresses, or beds. It is comfort, harmony, security, and tranquility."
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions from customers.
Delivery is free for orders over 250 BGN.
You can return a purchased product within 14 days of receiving it, provided that it is in its original packaging (not opened) and has not been used. For more information regarding the return conditions, please see our Return Policy.
Yes, you can try our products in our physical stores.
Yes, we offer each of these three services.
Products such as mattresses, protectors, and pillows are available and can be delivered on the next working day after the order is placed. While furniture such as beds, wardrobes, and sofas have a production time of about 30 calendar days.
"The warranty conditions vary for each manufacturer. You can find more information about them in the warranty cards of the product you purchased."
Yes, each of our products has a warranty. Ranging from 2 years to lifetime.