The Majesty mattress from Permaflex from the Sartoria line is ergonomic and equipped with 1800 independent springs with PiHD® and a pillow top with PiTech®.
- Unit price
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Anatomical pillow ESSENCE S Essence Sleep®

30.00 лв
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30.00 лв
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AIR KING Dream On® Pillow

95.00 лв
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95.00 лв
- Unit price
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AIR QUEEN Dream On® Pillow

79.00 лв
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79.00 лв
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76.00 лв
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76.00 лв
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from 258.00 лв
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CLASSICO WAVE Pillow | Magniflex

165.00 лв
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165.00 лв
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Winter down comforter GEO | Dorelan®

from 422.00 лв
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from 422.00 лв
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 1000 Tempur
from 1,129.00 лв
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from 1,129.00 лв
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 4000 Tempur
from 3,520.00 лв
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from 3,520.00 лв
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка BLACK CHARM MATIC РосМари
from 1,142.00 лв
- Unit price
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from 1,142.00 лв
- Unit price
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"MATTRESS CENTER" has many years of experience in the market and offers high-quality mattresses and beds. Our mission is to provide a comfortable and healthy sleep tailored to your needs and preferences.
- expert consultation
- Top quality
- many years of experience

The Majesty mattress from Permaflex from the Sartoria line is ergonomic and equipped with 1800 independent springs with PiHD® and a pillow top with PiTech®.
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Can't find your size? Contact us to place an order.
Warranty: 15 years
Height: 27 cm
Hardness: medium hard
Core: pocket springs, memory foam
Manufacturing: Italy

Brand: Permaflex
Standard leasing or with 0% interest from a bank of your choice

Contact us for a quantity quote and receive a discount.
You receive free shipping for products over 250 BGN
You can return a purchased product within 14 days - easy and convenient
Матракът Majesty от Permaflex от линията Sartoria е ергономичен и оборудван с 1800 независими пружини с PiHD® и горна част на възглавницата с PiTech®.
Центърът за изследване и развитие на Permaflex създаде Majesty от шивашката линия Permaflex, комбинирайки два различни вида PiFlex® , за да създаде технологичен, хигиеничен, практичен и универсален продукт.
PiTech® е вмъкнат в горната част на калъфът, отделим от калъфът и може да се пере, подобрен PiFlex® способен да абсорбира и постепенно разпределя телесното тегло по равномерен и балансиран начин: по този начин тази технология успява да минимизира точките на натиск и да постигне висока степен на комфорт на използване. Вместо това в кутията беше поставен PiHD® , използван и в медицински помощни средства, способен да осигури висока и дълготрайна опора и да направи матрак Majesty подходящ и за хора с по-здраво телосложение. Покритието третирано с омекотител прави матрака особено приветлив и мек. Можете да намерите матрак Majesty от Permaflex в много размери, които да отговорят на вашите нужди.
- Двулицев матрак
- 26 см височина
- Средно твърдо усещане
- 1800 пружини
- Силно дишащ и ревитализиращ
- 7 обособени зони с бокс компактна система
- Хипоалергенна материя
- Ортопедичен
- Пружинната структура от 1800 пружини ви позволява да имате добра опора и да се насладите на удобна почивка.
- Облекчава натиска
- Медицинско изделие
- Оптимална опора
- Защита против потъване
- Висока устойчивост
- Гарaнция 15 години
- Калъф с цип плат Airteck
- PiTech®
- PiFlex®
- PiHD®
- Touch Foam HD®
- Soft Plus Superior®
- 1800 пружини
Използвайте протектор за матрак, така осигурявате максимална защита за вашия матрак от замърсяване, появата на петна и проникването на течности.
Започвайки от желанията и конкретните нужди на италианците вече седемдесет години Permaflex създава ръчно изработени матраци, способни да разкажат история на опит, традиция и изключително качество произведено в Италия. Изборът на отлична почивка е ваш.
Adding a product to your cart
Anatomical pillow ESSENCE S Essence Sleep®

30.00 лв
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30.00 лв
- Unit price
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AIR KING Dream On® Pillow

95.00 лв
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95.00 лв
- Unit price
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AIR QUEEN Dream On® Pillow

79.00 лв
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79.00 лв
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76.00 лв
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76.00 лв
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from 258.00 лв
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CLASSICO WAVE Pillow | Magniflex

165.00 лв
- Unit price
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165.00 лв
- Unit price
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Winter down comforter GEO | Dorelan®

from 422.00 лв
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from 422.00 лв
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 1000 Tempur
from 1,129.00 лв
- Unit price
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from 1,129.00 лв
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 4000 Tempur
from 3,520.00 лв
- Unit price
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from 3,520.00 лв
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка BLACK CHARM MATIC РосМари
from 1,142.00 лв
- Unit price
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from 1,142.00 лв
- Unit price
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Anatomical pillow ESSENCE S Essence Sleep®

30.00 лв
- Unit price
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30.00 лв
- Unit price
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AIR KING Dream On® Pillow

95.00 лв
- Unit price
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95.00 лв
- Unit price
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AIR QUEEN Dream On® Pillow

79.00 лв
- Unit price
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79.00 лв
- Unit price
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76.00 лв
- Unit price
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76.00 лв
- Unit price
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from 258.00 лв
- Unit price
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CLASSICO WAVE Pillow | Magniflex

165.00 лв
- Unit price
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165.00 лв
- Unit price
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Winter down comforter GEO | Dorelan®

from 422.00 лв
- Unit price
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from 422.00 лв
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 1000 Tempur
from 1,129.00 лв
- Unit price
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from 1,129.00 лв
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка FLEX CLOUD 4000 Tempur
from 3,520.00 лв
- Unit price
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from 3,520.00 лв
- Unit price
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Подматрачна рамка BLACK CHARM MATIC РосМари
from 1,142.00 лв
- Unit price
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from 1,142.00 лв
- Unit price
- / on
"MATTRESS CENTER" has many years of experience in the market and offers high-quality mattresses and beds. Our mission is to provide a comfortable and healthy sleep tailored to your needs and preferences.
- expert consultation
- Top quality
- many years of experience
Contact us
Your details are safe and protected with us.
All products we offer come with a warranty ranging from 5 years to a lifetime warranty.
You receive free shipping when purchasing products worth over 250 BGN.
You can take advantage of an interest-free loan for products worth over 250 BGN.
A good sleep can be yours with the PERMAFLEX mattress.

The most famous and luxurious Italian mattress brand
We are pleased to present to you the most famous and luxurious Italian mattress brand – PERMAFLEX.
With its creative, technical, and technological qualities, Permaflex mattresses combine functionality,
elegant design and attention to detail, as a distinguishing feature.
The development of new technologies in production and intensive research and experiments in the field, as well as the use of modern materials, contribute to establishing the brand as a market leader in mattresses in Italy. The Permaflex group holds a 30% market share of mattress sales in Italy.

In their innovative, technical, and technological qualities, Permaflex mattresses combine functionality with the most elegant design, turning comfort into prestige, and the precision of details into a hallmark.
The development of new technologies applied in the production and use of advanced materials contributes to the optimization of what is offered by Permaflex, which is the result of intensive research and experimental activity, supported by established experience in the sector.
This is how the new Permaflex collection is born, which applies innovation in relaxation across all its products, from classic and updated spring and latex mattresses to the most modern, pressure-relieving Memory foam ones, fully anatomical, designed to perfectly adapt to the shape of the body and provide the opportunity for rest with maximum comfort.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions from customers.
Delivery is free for orders over 250 BGN.
You can return a purchased product within 14 days of receiving it, provided that it is in its original packaging (not opened) and has not been used. For more information regarding the return conditions, please see our Return Policy.
Yes, you can try our products in our physical stores.
Yes, we offer each of these three services.
Products such as mattresses, protectors, and pillows are available and can be delivered on the next working day after the order is placed. While furniture such as beds, wardrobes, and sofas have a production time of about 30 calendar days.
"The warranty conditions vary for each manufacturer. You can find more information about them in the warranty cards of the product you purchased."
Yes, each of our products has a warranty. Ranging from 2 years to lifetime.