"If you have back pain, you should buy the hardest mattress you can find on the market. You've heard this often, right? Actually, wait a minute."
"Back pain affects 8 out of 10 people and is one of the main reasons why people start to lose mobility. The condition can range from mild pain to a piercing sensation. Pain that occurs suddenly (for example, after sports or heavy physical exertion) is usually acute. Pain that lasts more than three months is considered chronic. It can hinder our physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, our energy, comfort, and peace of mind. And considering that most people spend approximately one third of their lives in bed, choosing the right mattress is essential for addressing the issue."
"Very firm mattresses were widely recommended by doctors for people with lower back pain. However, a study involving 268 people with lower back pain found that those who sleep on very firm mattresses have the worst sleep quality. In another study, people with general back pain who sleep on a medium-firm mattress feel less pain than those who use a very firm mattress."
The right firmness (but not too firm) feels different for everyone, so the mattress should be tried out. It is good to visit a specialized sleep store where we can seek advice on both the level of firmness and the support that the mattress provides. We need to adapt the desired feeling of comfort to our height, body structure, and weight. Obviously, there is no universal mattress that fits everyone. The choice is mainly determined by our sleeping habits, the characteristics of our body, and the reasons for our pain.
We may not realize it, but good posture is important not only when we sit or walk, but also when we sleep. The muscles and tendons in the back need to relax and recover while we get our full dose of sleep or even during a short nap. If the mattress is too soft or too hard, it will not support our spine properly. We need support that keeps the spine in a straight line, without sagging of the heavier parts of the body and ignoring the prerequisites for pressure points.
The optimal option for back and lower back pain is a mattress whose top layers are soft, while underneath it provides stable support in the core. This way, we achieve a comfortable and soft feeling on the surface, correct spinal alignment, and easy position changes during sleep.
Have you ever spent the night in a hotel or at a friend's place and in the morning not felt that annoying pain in your lower back? You feel like you’ve been reborn because you can’t remember the last time you had such a healthy and fulfilling sleep. Well, maybe you slept on just such a mattress there.
There is no single model or type of mattress that is best for everyone, including people with chronic back and lumbar pain. Let your needs and personal preferences guide you and choose what is most comfortable for you. Visit our stores, where you will receive assistance in choosing the most suitable mattress specifically for you.